Thank you so much for ordering The Dragons' Refrain! I just know you're going to love it.

I'd love to extend this experience for you, by giving you the chance to own

The Celtic Bundle

Handmade leather notebook Value £20

A beautiful handmade leather notebook, with rough textured paper. This is EXACTLY the same as the one I use writing my albums, writing down my lyric, thoughts, mix notes etc. So inspiring – the texture of the paper just makes you want to write more! The cover and leather thong are evocative and it’s a lovely thing to use.

"Here be Dragons" shirt Value £20

Strut your stuff down the catwalk of life wearing a "Here be Dragons" T-shirt!

You will be sure to be asked about the large dragon logo on the front – it’s striking! On the right sleeve is a black dragon with red eyes, which sets off the shirt nicely.

I make these myself to order, one by one. This shirt features a polyester blend, offering a sleek and form-fitting look. If you prefer a looser fit, you might want to consider selecting a size larger than your usual choice for optimal comfort.

FREE CD : Nawglan, the Sacred Nine Value £20

Legend has it that Celtic Monks used a specially prepared mixture of ashes obtained from the burning of the boughs of nine sacred trees - Alder, Ash, Birch, Elm, Hazel, Oak, Rowan, Willow and Yew. Its use in ceremonies was important, but for the monk, the collection of the wood was an act of worship. Each tree had characteristics pointing towards attributes of the Godhead, and they would meditate upon these as they harvested them. The name of this ash was Nawglan, the Sacred Nine.

I've written each track on the album to do the same, each having a distinct character and embodying different divine characteristics.

This album is perfect to sit with, to meditate with, to just BE with. It's great to have playing in the background while working, revising or reading. But if you pay it your undivided attention, it will pay dividends!


Value £60


[custom_order_form sku='celticbundle' text='Claim my Celtic Bundle for only £38 !' shirtsize='shirtSize' shirtsizelabel='shirtSizeLabel']

No thanks ... I'm already stoked with what I've got!