About me:

My name is Matt Steady. I am an independent musician from Leicester, England.
My wife and I are adopters and fosterers - our wonderfully changeable family currently consists of 6 young children who live with us, and 2 grown-up children who don't! We also have an Irish Wolfhound, 2 cats and 3 guppies. We are a very busy househould!
Inbetween the day-to-day childcare and interminable meetings/emails/zooms, I fit in the music :) It keeps me sane. Mostly...
My main instruments are guitar and violin, but I'll attempt to play anything you give me. I write music in all sorts of styles - blues/rock/folk/celtic/gospel. My current album Presence is epic guitar instruments - prog rock I guess you'd label it!
I work in a team of one. Not only do I write and perform, record, produce, mix and master my music, I also create this website, do the accounts and I am the sole marketing team. I have a lot of plates in the air, so be gentle :)