Theory of Ruins

"Theory of Ruins", the context of hopeful blues, gives us reasons to move up and on. You have to go somewhere from the darkness, don't you? IS there a place to sit to rest the ruins of your pain? Not just blues, not just a Celtic revival, but a compassionate affair of the two, bringing winds from each territory to dance or fly to. 

Gentle blues licks with fierce melody guide you into Matt's vocals, deep like the roots of Tom Waits, but with the heavy-hearted tug that Nick Cave gives us. "How many souls will I have touched?". We talk about what music does to you, how it moves you. The first track blazes open with broken blues chords and a celtic undertone. The guitar playing is incredible and reminds me of old dark bar blues, the kind that leaves you in a good trouble. The lyrics keep you mindful of what the blues pushes you through, the different aches and woes, but with miles of strength.

I highly recommend this album to anyone who loves to breathe. There are no demons here - you just gotta move. 

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